About Us
Ive been gardening since I was a little girl, following my mumma around and watching, listening to everything she had to say. We had always lived in suburbia with only a tiny backyard but every inch was covered in plants. Orchids were hanging out of trees, ponds filled with fish and secret little spaces with a seat and fountains. When it was time to move again it was all packed up and set up in the new place, same but different. I think I was about 10 and had begged for a little plot to grow some vegetables, it was only 2x4 and I grew everything. Zucchini, tomatoes, herbs and squeezed in lettuce and Sunflowers. Time passed and I never stopped having a veggie garden, wherever I went I built one. Whether it be in pots or in the ground I had to be growing something, but never flowers. Don’t get me wrong I grew marigolds, nasturtiums and sunflowers but mainly for the bees and bugs never for me.
My husband and I were lucky enough to find and buy a 10acre property for all of my gardening dreams and my horse crazed mind of course. And off I went veggie garden after veggie garden until I found the right spot, then the Rose garden came which I absolutely adore. Then one day my mumma bought me a Dahlia from a local nursery, can you believe it and my life completely changed. Slowly the veggies were kicked out  to make room for Cosmos and Zinnias and the herb garden was replaced with dahlias. I started having so many flowers I was giving away bunches to friends and family and to see the joy it gave them made me feel happy, I knew then this is what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. So I had to learn how to become a farmer the smart way and quickly because I wasn’t getting any younger, the kids were leaving home and I had the time. So I did a Floret workshop and Erin made it so clear and easy to understand that I had to go for it. So here I am in my first year and hopefully will have many more to come. Thanks for visiting and if you got this far thanks for taking the time to get to know me a little. If you would like to keep in touch there’s a spot at the bottom you can sign up to my newsletter..
Happy Growing
Cat 👩🌾🌸
If you are interested in doing the Floret workshop, which I highly recommend visit Erin at www.floretflowers.com 😊